Introduction to the address section
In questo capitolo descriviamo le informazioni visibili e le azioni possibili nella sezione degli indirizzi.
1. Prerequisites
Before accessing the address section, you must log in to CASY using your credentials. In the main menu, click the “Address” button on the left.
2. Elements of the address section
The address section has two main parts:
- Address search with filters (A)
- The list of all addresses (B)
You can also add a new address with the Add new address button. (C)
Addresses can also be exported. To do so, you can use the “Export CSV” button at the bottom of the address list. Clicking on this button, (D) you will generate an Excel file with all addresses and related data. This can be useful for creating marketing campaigns outside of CASY.
The addresses you want to export can be filtered using the filters explained in section 2.1. This can be helpful if you want to run targeted marketing campaigns, based for example on status or marketing codes.
2.1 Research filters
There are two options to search for and filter addresses.
Ricerca semplice: Inserire una parola che verrà ricercata in tutti i campi (cognome, nome, indirizzo, CAP, luogo, nazione, email, telefono). Le parole cercate possono comparire in un ordine diverso da quello inserito o anche in campi diversi.
Advanced search: by clicking the down arrow, the advanced search with more search fields opens. Depending on the field, you can choose from a list or you can enter a search word. The search criteria are all applied in the filter. (A)
To activate the search after entering the filters, you can click the “Search” button (B) or press Enter on your keyboard.
Se si desidera rimuovere i filtri, è possibile fare clic su “Azzera filtro” (C) e la lista degli indirizzi verrà automaticamente ricaricata, mostrando in cima gli ultimi indirizzi sui quali sono state fatte delle operazioni.
2.2 Address list
There are 8 columns of data in the address table: last name, first name, address, zip code, place, country, email, phone, plus the “operations” column. (A)
You can sort the list by each column in ascending order by clicking on the corresponding column title. With a second click, you will sort the list in descending order. By default, the addresses are displayed in order of creation or editing.
In the rightmost column, several actions are available. These will be explained in Chapter 2.3. (B)
An address has a pink background if another address with the same first and last name is found in the CASY database.
2.3 Possible actions on addresses
Actions on an individual address
Four actions are available for each address:
Enter and view reservations (A)
By clicking on this icon, two options exist:
- If there are no reservations yet for this address, the window to enter a new reservation will be opened.
- If there are already reservations for this address, the guest’s list of reservations will be shown.
Edit an address (B)
Clicking on this icon, all information available in CASY about this guest are displayed and can be edited. Read more
Data Protection (C)
This icon allows you to display all available personal information of a guest, as required by Switzerland’s new Federal Act on Data Protection.
Delete an address (D)
This action is only possible if there are no reservations associated to an address. If an address can be deleted, the icon will turn red .
Actions on multiple addresses
Two actions are also available that can be performed on multiple addresses.
If you check 2 or more addresses, a menu with two possible actions will appear above the column “Operations”.
“Merge addresses” (A): if there are multiple addresses that belong to the same person, they can be merged with this function. This process is explained in more detail in chapter 2.4.
“Delete” (B): if all the selected addresses are not associated to a reservation, you can use this function to delete them.
2.4 Merge addresses
Follow these steps to merge 2 or more addresses belonging to the same person. By performing this operation, all reservations associated with these addresses and all related accounts will also be merged.
Step 1
Select the addresses you want to merge by checking the box to the right of the addresses.
Step 2
In the menu that appears at the top of the table, click on “Merge Addresses.”
Step 3
A pop-up will appear where you can select the main address in which to merge all data. Fields with missing information will be completed by the information from the other addresses. The rightmost field shows the latest editing date.
Step 4
After choosing the main address and verifying that all information is correct, click on the “Merge Now” button.
Step 5
An additional confirmation window will appear. Click on “OK” to complete the address merge.
Note that this operation will also merge all reservations and related accounts associated with the selected addresses. Therefore, make sure to check the information carefully before confirming the address merge.