Document templates
In this chapter, you can learn where to find default document templates and what actions you can perform on them.
1. Prerequisites
To access the documents, you must have admin rights.
2. Elements of the documents’ section
In the menu on the left, click on “Settings” and select the “Documents” option in the view.
This opens the list of all document templates in CASY. There are 5 main columns in the table:
- Document: Indicates the name of the document.
- Language: Indicates the language of the document.
- Hotel: Indicates the hotel to which the document belongs.
- Order: You can move documents up or down the list according to your preference.
- Operations: Possible actions on documents are explained in the following subchapter.

At the bottom of the page, you find a list of all available document variables. Each variable corresponds to a piece of information of the guest or the reservation and enters it into the document (e.g., name, arrival date, number of people, etc.).

3. Possible actions on documents
3.1 Edit documents
Click on the “Edit document” icon. The selected document opens at the bottom of the list. From here, you can change its content and properties, such as name, language and corresponding hotel.
! Careful!
We do not recommend this option if you have not created a backup copy of the document beforehand. Instead, proceed as explained in chapter 4.
3.2 Copy documents
Click on the “Copy document” icon. A copy of the selected document opens at the bottom of the list. From here, you can change its content and properties, such as name, language and corresponding hotel.
3.3 Delete documents

! Careful!
We do not recommend to delete documents. Instead, we recommend deactivation (see chapter 3.4).
3.4 Deactivate and reactivate documents
With this action, you can deactivate documents that you no longer need or reactivate them later. To do so, click on the “Deactivate” respectively “Activate” icon.
4. Recommended method for creating and editing documents
To create and edit a document, we highly recommend to proceed as follows:
- Copy an existing document via the “Copy document” icon.
- Rename the copy that opens at the bottom of the list and edit its text. You can also incorporate other or additional variables with the help of the list at the bottom of the page.
- Click on “Save”
to save the changes. The new document will appear in the list.
! Careful!
- It is not possible to copy content from Word into CASY because the formatting can create configuration problems. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer the content to a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit to remove the formatting. After that, the content can be copied into CASY.
- Please note that you cannot insert pictures.