In this chapter, you can learn more about the actions you can perform by right-clicking in the reservation plan or in the reservation list.
1. Prerequisites
To process a reservation with a right-click, there must be one in the reservation plan or in the reservation list.
2. The process
on a reservation in the reservation plan
on a reservation in the reservation list
A drop-down menu will appear. The options displayed may depend on the permissions assigned to the user.
You can perform several actions through this menu.
2.1 Edit address
Through this function, you can edit the address of the selected reservation.
Click on the option to open the form to edit the reservation’s address. Read more
2.2 Add new reservation
Through this function, you can create a new reservation for the same guest.
Click on the option to open the form for entering a new reservation. The address is entered automatically. By default, the arrival date is set on today and the duration on one night. Read more
2.3 Copy a reservation
You can simultaneously create several new reservations through this function. Click on the option to open the form for entering a new reservation. The data from the original reservation are automatically entered. You just need to assign the new rooms. You can also copy the accounts of the original reservation optionally. Read more
2.4 Show the guest’s reservations
Through this function, you can view all reservations that the selected guest has made. Click on the option to be redirected to all reservations made.
2.5 Show the reservations of the person billed
This function is only visible if the person billed differs from the guest. Through this function, you can view all reservations of the person billed. Click on the option to be redirected to all reservations connected with the person billed.
2.6 Add credit card
Through this function, you can add a credit card to the selected reservation. Click on the option to open a pop-up window where you can enter the credit card information. Read more
2.7 Edit reservation
Through this function, you can edit the reservation. Click on the option to open the form for editing the reservation. Read more